Tag: God

  • The GOOD NEWS on Election Day!

    God is real! There is ZERO doubt about it! I know this to be true because I have seen Him clearly in my own life. I have seen His love. I have seen how He causes things to work. I have seen miracles. I have seen things that cannot be explained rationally. There is a…

  • God uses hard seasons… even staying home.

    I am proof that God uses hard seasons to get our attention. Life is going great, you have everything figured out, and then, out of nowhere, boom. The unexpected happens. The life you thought you had figured out falls apart. For Ian and me, our first hard thing was in 2004 when my dear mother-in-law…

  • Ask God for wisdom.

    Ask God for wisdom.

    God is always at work. These days, I feel like I am constantly talking to Him, praying in my head and heart, desperate for His help in one area or another. You know when you can’t shake a thought or feeling about something? Times when you can’t think about anything else until you do what…

  • The Lord will fight for you

    “The LORD is a warrior; The LORD is His name.”  Exodus 15:3 NASB At the beginning of the book of Exodus, we find that God’s faithful servant, Moses, has died. After the Israelites spent forty years in the desert, all but two of the original Israelites have died, and God is ready for his people…

  • God uses the least of these: David and Goliath

    Most people have heard the story of David and Goliath. Whether from a Sunday school children’s story or the lyric from a song, we are all familiar with the idea of a little guy slaying a giant.  In 1Samuel we read the story of young David, a shepherd boy delivering food and supplies to his…

  • Walking in truth

    I’ve always asked my children to tell the truth. It’s amazing how our little bundles of joy have the innate tendency to sin by lying since birth. I encourage them by saying that no matter what, their consequence will be less severe if they admit the truth. I’ve also told them there is nothing that…

  • A definition of sin and good news for us all

    My heart is heavy today. I’ve been thinking about sin, and what it truly means in my life. My pastor once used an illustration of a newborn baby to describe it. This newborn was beautiful, loved by his parents and family, wrapped in a delicate soft blanket. He had ten perfect fingers and ten perfect…

  • Infinite wisdom of God

    Have you ever considered the wisdom of God? It’s remarkable, really. How did our marvelous Creator place our earth in just the right axis to make life sustainable? One degree in either direction would cause us to burn or freeze.  How did He create our bodies so complex, with the capacity to think, love, and…

  • God’s redeeming love for us: Hosea

    Years ago, a dear friend shared a book with me that touched my heart forever. It was a Christian fiction novel about a couple with a very challenging marriage. In this marriage, the husband was faithful and loving, while the wife was an adulterous prostitute with a broken past.  I didn’t know it at the…

  • God gives second chances.

    We all know the story of Jonah and the big fish. Jonah didn’t listen when God commanded him to go to Nineveh to warn people of their wicked ways. He chose not to go. The book of Jonah tells us he deliberately disobeyed God. He took it upon himself to flee and board a boat…

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